Saturday 24 May 2008

Russell Brand Beds Three Virgin Air Stewardesses

Russell Brand has got into a spot of bother with his air stewardess girlfriend after bedding two of her workmates.

The comic actor has been dating Erika Parandine, 30, since meeting her on Los Angeles flight last summer, but she’s flown after the handle after learning of two other of his airborne dalliances.

Not only did Brand enjoy a one-night stand with a Virgin stewardess, but also chatted up another Virgin trolley-dolly Nicola Toft earlier this month.

A friend of Erika‘s tells The People, "She thought Russell was a real charmer. She had told everyone about their fling. I think she always knew he was seeing other women, but for him to pull another stewardess from the same airline is a little too close to home.

"She is a lovely girl and has tried to laugh it off, but there might be stormy skies if the two girls fly together. She had no idea she had been traded in for another crew member until a friend said Russell had been linked with Nicola. She wasn't happy."

Erika herself says, “"I'm not the kind of girl who would discuss these things. But let's just say I'm boycotting his film now and have banned all my friends from seeing it.

"I guess I should be surprised it hasn't happened earlier."

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